Friday, October 16, 2009

Just what I've been up to . . .

So this is my first post in quite a while. I promise you, though, that I have been photo-busy. I've had several shoots, been accepted to an internship with an awesome photographer, booked several more shoots, and been learning the art of framing. I have a lot of pictures to post, just hang in there! In the meantime, here are a few shots of autumn on the Alpine Loop.

So this is my first post in quite a while. I promise you, though, that I have been photo-busy. I've had several shoots, been accepted to an internship with an awesome photographer, booked several more shoots, and been learning the art of framing. I have a lot of pictures to post, just hang in there! In the meantime, here are a few shots of autumn on the Alpine Loop.


Michelle said...

That first photo made me so happy. Seriously, woman ... you are fantastic!

Word Verification: apaeshen, I think we should start making up meanings for these words. It could be a secret word verification language.

Apaeshen: Having or appearing to have the complexion of an autumn sunset over a changing mountain region.

Austin and Amanda said...

Fall is my favorite season. Thank you for capturing it's grandeur so beautifully!