Thursday, July 16, 2009

Jaunt to Bahamas

I love traveling; I love taking photographs. Yet every time I'm in a different country I find myself facing a familiar internal battle: is a vacation with heavy digital camera in tote really a vacation? Photography should never get in the way of life, and vacations are more than just the photographs you take. I've taken my Canon with me to Mexico, the Bahamas, and all across the United States, and have almost come to the decision to shoot purely film in my travels. But this is a topic for a different post. Here are a few of the photographs I captured on my recent visit to Nassau, Bahamas.

Cruise ships pulling into modern-day Nassau Harbor.

Fort Montagu: where merchant ships once put into harbor and where pirate ships once abounded.

My favorite meal of the trip began with this refreshing twist on an old favorite: ginger lemonade.

A glimpse of my shrimp curry before I gobbled it up.


Vanessa Swenson said...

That nice picture of ginger lemonade made me very thirsty.

Unknown said...

Fun pictures.

As for your initial question, one of the dangers of being a photographer is always looking to capture moments in time for later viewing rather than living in those moments as they happen. When I am struggling with the decision whether to bring my camera along on a family trip, my wife will occasionally gently encourage me to simply live the experience and not try to just document it. Of course, if you have a great experience, it's always fun to be able to re-live it through photographs, or to share it with others. So, there has to be a balance between the two, and it's something I'm still trying to achieve!
